
Flea Exterminator

Fleas! Just the name of this insect makes your skin crawl. It’s no wonder because these hairy looking creatures cause itching and irritation for both pets and people. There are approximately 325 species of them in the United States. Most of these affect mammals, but a small percentage affect birds. The most common is the “cat flea,” but it’s actually the type found on dogs despite its name.

They reproduce rapidly, so, if you happen to find adults on your dog or cat, there’s a good chance there are hundreds or even thousands of eggs, larvae, or pupa around your backyard or inside your home. An adult can lay ten to fifty eggs in one day, about 2000 eggs in her lifetime, which spans forty to fifty days. They have been known to jump as high as six inches, which is over one hundred times their body size, making it easy for them to hitch a ride on your cat or dog. Then as your pet walks around your house, the fleas fall off onto the carpet and furniture. They will rarely jump from host to host and are typically picked up from the environment.

An adult is about an eighth of an inch long, reddish-brown in color, and oval-shaped. They are very thin, so thin that they can crawl easily through an animal’s fur or a bird’s feathers. Their long hind legs help them jump. The larvae look like little white worms, and the pupae are almost microscopic and hidden by a dirt-colored cocoon. 

They can be dangerous for you and your pets. Symptoms of flea bites in humans and animals include:

  • Itchiness on skin 
  • Red, swollen bumps with halo shortly after being bits 
  • Sometimes a blister forms within 24 hours
  • Bites happen primarily on legs or feet in groups of three or four
  • Some animals are allergic to flea bites (your pet might need to see a vet if they react to the bites)

They also carry and transmit various dangerous diseases that can affect both animals and people, such as Typhus, Cat Scratch Fever, tapeworms, and even bacterial infections. Historians have determined that fleas were responsible for the Bubonic Plague epidemic. This makes it all the more important that you rid your pets and home of this pest as quickly as possible. Treat your pets with an over the counter treatment or with a prescribed medication recommended by your veterinarian. Today, many vets suggest treating your pets year-round for fleas, especially if you live in a warmer climate or a place where the weather sometimes fluctuates in the winter. 

For your home, cleaning and vacuuming won’t eliminate the problem. The best way to get rid of fleas, eggs, and larvae is to use a professional service like At Ease Pest Solutions. We give our clients top quality, professional service by using state of the art treatments that are both responsible and effective for the elimination of fleas. Ridding your home of fleas is a tough job, so leave it to the experts. Contact At Ease Pest Solutions today for a free estimate.

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